Wednesday, February 28, 2007


It's certain now - I'll be studying away in England this coming fall. Hurrah!!!!!

It was so agonizing waiting for the reply from my study away program. When I first applied, I didn't really think twice about not being able to get in - after all, visiting students are temporary, so I'd always harbored the impression that it wouldn't be difficult to get into any study abroad program as long as you had the $$$ to pay for it.

Yet, when my friend got news of her study abroad 2 weeks ago, I had my first pang of doubt. This escalated to full-blown anxiety by the end of last week, so I finally gave in and called the program coordinator. Unfortunately, all she could tell me was to wait even more. ARGH!!! Patience is definitely not my virtue.

Finally, I got an e-mail yesterday asking me to call her (the program coordinator). After playing phone tag the entire afternoon, I finally got her on the line. By then I was thoroughly convinced that I didn't get it, and the purpose of the call was to discuss my alternatives. All I remember is hearing bits of words :"...glad to tell you... offer..."

I was so happy I ran up the stairs and hugged Morgan (the desker working at the Info Desk before my shift) and danced around for a while. :):)


Gho-st said...

Congratulations!! hmmmph some little dweeb going to UK. grrr buy me air asia ticket! i join u there. Cheap only ma RM9.90

misuzu said...

congrats:D glad to hear you're gonna be able to go!!! maybe i can visit you guys in England since all of you will be there. watch out for cars when you get there!!!

smilee said...
