My virgin blog! *gasp* I've finally succumbed and decided to set up a blog full of mindless entries about my life.
Positive blog of the day is.. my 'chick' siu bao! Since I didn't have pork, I made 'char siew' with chicken instead. It took me 3 and a half hours to actually prepare all the ingredients for the pao, thus giving me a new appreciation for the 70 cent paos I can get by the roadsides in Malaysia -_-.
Negative blog of the day is.. this has resulted in me eating even more :( Definitely not good, especially when I'm a staggering XX kg now (ask me privately heh) and I really should start exercising more! Still.. who can resist freshly steamed paos, especially when they're made from scratch?
I feel like I've reached a turning point in my life. All the crap that has happened to me last 3 weeks.. I'm determined to set it right. No more self-pity! Have indulged in that a little too much already...
People reading this- I hope you guys leave comments and stuff, cos I 've realized I've lost touch with so many of you, and I really don't want to do that.. so.. I would LOVE to hear from you.
PS: I know the pao looks a little disgusting.. but hey when you're desperate.. anything works :P
Dubious paos. V. dubious. :P Bloggies are great for disclosure and laments of all sorts! Update soon! xox BTW, when are you coming to London!?
hihi...nah, i got leave a comment ar...haha...i think ur siu pao nid to improve lah..haha...i din eat, so i duno how abt the tase but 1 think i can sure tat is the 'look'...hahaha...but as ur fren , i sure ll support u de, if u give me, i ll eat till finished.haha...hope u can oways update ur blog lah,let us know how is ur life at there ar...take carelah...
well... for a beginner... at least your pow was still recognisable as a pow haha!
70cent roadside pow not available anymore, in Sabah it costs 1.30ringgit!!
Hi dear! Welcome to the blogging world!
Your paos dont look too bad;-)
Guess what, I was in Penang with Meenu over the CNY break. Just got back to KL yesterday.
How's your arm btw? I hope its healing well.
We're going in to Sem5 tomorrow:-( (dont know how that happened! I feel like i've slept through a few semesters!)It doesnt seem that long ago when all of us were in C-25-1.
Looking forward to more blog posts:-)
Hi Dear! Finally you have succumbed to peer pressure and created a blog! Don't worry i'm sure your blog will be a hit! More photos of yourself and less of your food creations please!
joJo~!!!!missed uuuuuuuu~!!!hehehe hmm i think those paos r not bad least u can make em!n eat em~ ruuuuuuuuuuu~~?hope to hear frm u soon gurl=) take care~~
*heart* to everybody who left a comment! :):) be prepared for my emo rantings though.. Winter does not have a good effect on my moods, and I'm liable to take it out here :P
Hello~!! Thought i would never hear from u anymore..haha...doing fine here...juniors are coming in already...preparing for the orientation..woahaha..i'm the nex orientation u know wat i'm up to..hehe...take care yea~!! c ya~!
wow, the girl that refuse to give in to blogging now blogs... lol... anyway... hope u r fine there and don't get too emo lor... take care my dear friend... hope to get more updates from you soon...
hey orientation for M107 is this week.
the gang n i participated in the treasure hunt as SMs
walaueh!! it was fun
a lot of moaning and groaning!!
wish u were here...
kinda reminds me of old times
^^ hehe
neway got some left over paos for me?
haha TC
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